Who to call for help after sexual assault/rape?
Call the RCMP - 911
To report a recent crime or someone in danger
(available 24/7)
Call Child and Family Services
1-800-638-0715 after hours
To report the crime when someone 17 or younger could be in danger
(available 24/7)
Call Pace: Community Support, Sexual Assault, & Trauma Centre in Grande Prairie
780- 539-6692
for advice and support services between 8.30am - 4.30pm (closed from 12 to 1pm)
Call the RCMP non emergency complaints
To report the crime when nobody is in immediate danger
Call Sunrise house
For a safe place to stay if you are 17 or younger (available 24/7)
Call Odyssey House crisis line
For a safe place to stay and support groups if you are 18 or older (available 24/7)